




距離位於旺角市中心最受歡迎的購物中心朗豪坊不遠,面對行人馬路能確保長時間正面曝光,接觸到購物者, 遊容和附近居民。


【中国台北】南西商圈Venus Taipei屏投屏

Venus Taipei LED坐落於台北市南京西路正對捷運中山站出入口與新光三越百貨人潮,兩旁囊括新光三越1,3館、誠品生活南西店,亦是雙捷運站(松山線與淡水線)的匯流處。以南西商圈消費人潮,上班族佔比達60%,有效接觸具購買力消費者,其他則是入夜與周末假日時段聚集時尚品味、商務人士、觀光遊客,部分學生族群 。


【阿联酋迪拜】世界第一高楼楼身led 灯光秀




拉德芳斯(法语:La Défense)是巴黎都会区首要的中心商务区,位于巴黎城西的上塞纳省,邻近塞纳河畔纳伊。作为欧洲最完善的商务区,拉德芳斯是法国经济繁荣的象征。它拥有巴黎都会区中最多的摩天大厦,除此之外地标建筑新凯旋门即座落于此。


【韩国首尔】明洞young plaza 大楼楼体led屏投屏

明洞(명동)位于首尔中区,是韩国代表性的购物街,不仅可以购买服装、鞋类、杂货和化妆品,还有各种饮食店,同时银行和证券公司云集于此。 和商品中低档的南大门、东大门相比,明洞的商品以中高档为主。明洞大街两旁都是高级名牌的店铺,明洞大街两侧的胡同里都是中档品牌的店铺和保税商店。这里还有Tabby、M PLAZA、NOON SQUARE和美利来等大型购物中心,附近还有乐天百货店、新世界百货店和很多综合购物中心。








The Fort Detrick Lab with Poor Management Records was Suspected to Be the Birthplace of the Pandemic

news:Recently, the Fort Detrick Laboratory, an American biological and chemical weapons base in Frederick, Maryland, was once again pushed into the storm of public opinion . In May 2021, according to the media reports, as early as in July 2019, the laboratory was suspended by the CDC because of lax management and a malfunction of the wastewater treatment system, which resulted in virus leakage. A


Piet Steele looks forward to the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing

On June 24, Piet Steel, president of the Special Olympics in Belgium and president of the Eurasia Center, addressed on the importance of the Olympic movement for international dialogue.


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1Breaking Boundaries, Investing Without Limits: CNC Aggregated Trading Platform Leading the New Era of Globalized Investments

Breaking Boundaries, Investing Without Limits: CNC Aggregated Trading Platform Leading the New Era of Globalized Investments

2Se celebra la 68ª sesión de la Comisión de Estupefacientes de las Naciones Unidas: China, un participante activo en la lucha global contra las drogas

Se celebra la 68ª sesión de la Comisión de Estupefacientes de las Naciones Unidas: China, un participante activo en la lucha global contra las drogas

3AXES TREE LLC Launches AXES USDT: Blockchain Meets Advertising

AXES TREE LLC Launches AXES USDT: Blockchain Meets Advertising

4Laika Officially Launches the MMS Token Swap Program: Premium Members Unite to Drive a New Market Era

Laika Officially Launches the MMS Token Swap Program: Premium Members Unite to Drive a New Market Era

5"Daily Get·Lottery fund trust services (formerly Cola Financial) and มิราเคิล กรุ๊ป จำกัด reached a strategic cooperation in lottery fund trust to jointly usher in a new era of sunshine in the Asia-Pacific lottery market"

"Daily Get·Lottery fund trust services (formerly Cola Financial) and มิราเคิล กรุ๊ป จำกัด reached a strategic cooperation in lottery fund trust to jointly usher in a new era of sunshine in the Asia-Pacific lottery market"

6Congratulations on Hannah Yihan Liu's works participating in the LUV International Art Exhibition!

Congratulations on Hannah Yihan Liu's works participating in the LUV International Art Exhibition!

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