
A road to connectivity: Build a bridge of friendship together

The Chinese have always said: “If you want to get rich, build roads first.” And that’s why connectivity is a priority for the BRI. At present, a number of BRI connectivity projects are underway, connecting different locations and groups of people in safer and more convenient ways. Check out Episode 3 in our series and learn more about how China is building a brighter future through enhanced connectivity.


Hebei Makes Contribution to Stable Supply of Global Anti-Epidemic Medical Supplies

The demand for epidemic prevention materials has increased again in and abroad since the mutated virus-Omicron. With the wish to relieve the pandemic situation worldwide, Hebei Medical Supplies for Epidemic Prevention Export Online Fair is launched by Hebei Provincial Department of Commerce from Nov., 2021 to June, 2022. The online fair is divided into two parts, products display in the global business matching online platform, which is established by the co-organizer CMEC International Exhibition Co., Ltd and one on one online business matching meeting between buyer and supplier


Pore structure and flow features in shale oil reservoir of Jiyang Depression


Fracture aperture prediction of buried hill reservoir by new ensemble algorithm


Oil-water relative permeability of low permeability reservoir in fractal theory


Inhibition of nanoparticles on asphaltene deposition during CO2 flooding


Optimization of injection for viscosity-reducing flooding in heavy oil reservoir


Sequences and sources of diagenetic fluid in Leikoupo Formation, Western Sichuan


Experiments on conductivity of acid etched fractures in dolomite reservoirs


SUN Multicurrency One-Stop NFT Transaction Platform--The Best Solution To Cumbersome NFT Transactions

NFT (non-fungible token) is a data unit of the blockchain (digital ledger), and each token can represent a unique piece of digital information. Since these tokens are not interchangeable, NFT can represent digital archives, such as paintings, sounds, movies, in-game items, or other forms of creative works.


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